Archive for Threskia

The Religion of No-Religion

Posted in Religion with tags , , , on April 2, 2009 by Jimmy Lee Shreeve

threskiaThe AKF were out playing games in the rain. Then out of the realms of whirling chaos came one of our number. He had a message. And we listened. His name is Evangelos Rigakis. He was born and raised in Canada, but moved to Greece at the age of 25. He then spent a decade immersed in the mystery cults of Ancient Greece. Out of that came a book on the subject called Threskia (Mandrake Press 2002), which reveals the long-lost Hellenic Traditions.

Today is April 2nd, but Evangelos came to us on the 3rd – tomorrow. Time is not what it seems, dear brethren. So fear not the distortions of my tale.

We stopped our larking and gathered around Evangelos. I swigged from a bottle of dark rum as he addressed us, handing it to the rest of our kickback crew, some of whom toked on belladonna joints and gulped back magic mushrooms.

These were Evangelos’s words:

When I strode into your cul-de-sac of reality, I was very interested in your concept of non-belief. It complements my own concepts of religious thought in the present state of human mental evolution.

I understand the desperate need for a new religion in the world, but a religion that is no religion, the next step in religion. Religion is dead. The only true religion is no religion. I believe there is only one religion for the world, something I call Self-Religion. It is high time that we did away with the brainwashing of organized religion, especially since it has created a great block in our spiritual evolutionary process.

It has stumped the growth of the general populace. Because of it, educated individuals believe that it is human nature not to take responsibility for oneself, which of course is not true. It is something that has been taught, something that has been programmed over centuries upon centuries, into our very DNA.

I am so glad to see that the AKF have broken the chains and you have found true Freedom and I am even more amazed that you are helping others do the same. I take my hat off to you sir, and to your good tribe of ladies and gentlemen.

The AKF bowed, thanked Evangelos for his compliments, then we all jumped into my black 1950s Rover and sped off to Avebury Circle for a very strange meeting with another gentleman of repute.